Lopodo Food Service aims to stand out by delivering more than just good food. Through careful culinary curation done by a team of experts aided by a series of guidelines and by considering constructive consumer feedback, each interaction with Lopodo Food Serviceis guaranteed to be the culmination of multiple smaller elements that are refined and fully tried-and-tested to make up a wholesome, unforgettable experience.
One of the most important qualities required to endure a harsh and competitive business climate, and the one quality often overlooked by many, is service. We are fortunate to have an army of passionate and wilful individuals who have made it their lives’ work to deliver impeccable services to any customer. These are people whom we trust, and whom we intend to reward justly in appreciation of their dedication. We believe that this passion is easily transferred to our customers. This is what’s unique about our service—we believe in what we do, and we do it outstandingly well.
Whether it is your first time visiting Lopodo Caféor you’re a regular at our constantly evolving Cooking Class, we aim to create a home for your culinary needs. Aided by a team of veteran designers, we strive to create an environment that goes beyond just making you comfortable within our premises. We do notjust pay attention to details—we tailor every detail according to your needs. We do not simply create a space that welcomes you in every visit—we enhance familiar, relatable elements so that you feel our spaces have been yours all along.
Feel free to give us a call for any assistance, our food specialist are available anytime !